Reis IZ u CG Rifat ef. Fejzić sa saradnicima sastao se u Sarajevu sa Abdullahom Qarijem, direktorom Rabite – Svjetske muslimanske lige za jugoistočnu Evropu. “Vrlo prijatan i koristan razgovor u Sarajevu sa Abdullahom Qarijem, direktorom Rabite – Svjetske muslimanske lige, za jugoistočnu Evropu, sa sjedištem u Meki🇸🇦.Dogovorili smo intenzivniju saradnju na brojnim projektima.”, navodi … Opširnije


Reis IZ u CG Rifat ef. Fejzić sa saradnicima ugostio je i razgovarao sa Alenom Emšijom. “…ako neko bude uzrok da se nečiji život sačuva – kao da je svim ljudima život sačuvao… ” (Kur'an, El-Maide, 32. ajet).Bilo mi je izuzetno drago da sa prijateljima upoznam i ugostim divnog, mladog i hrabrog Alena Emšiju.Budimo ljudi, … Opširnije


Juče je gost Medrese “Mehmed Fatih” bio hadži Ragip Čekić, predstavnik džemata Islamske zajednice Kulturnog Centra “Plav Gusinje” u Njujorku. Tom prilikom susreo se sa direktorom Medrese Amerom ef. Šukuricom sa profesorima i saradnicima. U prijatnom i prijateljskom ambijentu direktor je hadži Ragipa upoznao sa aktivnostima Medrese, te njenim budućim aktivnostima. Pored toga, direktor je … Opširnije

Suggestions for a Successful Glucose Baby Set up

When it comes to starting a sugar baby romantic relationship, there are a number of important things to consider. For instance, a young girl may be unskilled and not just want to pay her waning years aiming to meet the “Right One. inches Alternatively, the woman may be even more at ease with an older, … Opširnije

How you can Improve Your Relationship – 5 Tips For Building up Your Marital relationship

One of the most important tips for improving your matrimony is to concentrate on your partner's needs. Whether you're wedded or solitary, it's important to be sensitive to your partner's demands and wants. When it comes to sexual fulfillment, you must understand your partner's desires and priorities. After all, people failed to get married to … Opširnije

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Brides on sale can be found all over the world, but they are more widespread in South-East Asia and India. Often , these birdes-to-be are right from poor areas with couple of men trying to find wives, and polish brides they could live with the groom's family members until the marriage ceremony. However , you … Opširnije

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Don’t sign the conditions you will be hard dealing with. Keep attention to the addendums – some surprises can be hidden there. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot offer your adjustment in the contract or add any specific clauses to it, which would protect yourself. Many borrowers just lightly treat that legal part. Still, … Opširnije

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Doen goedje gezamenlijk zonder telefoon, televisie ofwe pc. Jouw kunt zeer buigzaam samen afwisselend enig plaatselijk aanwezig bedragen behalve dit jij werkelijk iets tezamen handele. Doch reparatie toch arbeidsuur voor elkaar beschikbaar, bovendien alsof bedragen je mama ofwe bedroefd. Do het noppes verzanden afwisselend gekibbel ofwe stimuli. Doen bedoeld jouw lieve wegens in u kameraadschap en de relatie gedurende blijven construeren.


Promocija knjige “…Divno biće” prof. Enisa Burdžovića

Danas je u amfiteatru Medrese “Mehmed Fatih” održana promocija knjige “Divno biće” autora prof. Enis ef. Burdžovića. Promociji knjige prisustvovali su profesori i učenici Medrese.  Osim autora, o knjizi su govorili prof. Azra Glavatović i prof. Afan ef. Latić. Moderator promocije bio je Omar Abazaj, a program je propraćen odlomcima iz promotivne knjige koje su … Opširnije